YearEnders: Adam Deverell’s top 10

Pure Pop reader Adam Deverell send us in his list with quite a few outside favorites from across the board.  I was specially psyched to see Thee Oh Sees and Wild Nothing on this list. If you’ve got a list, send it to us and get a chance to win a Pure Pop Gift Certificate. Thanks Adam!


10.) Dunes “Dunes”

Sounds like a phone call from a ghost with a bad connection.  Very mysterious stuff.

9.) Las Robertas “Cry Out Loud”
Energetic distorted riffs which never fail to cheer me up.  The pace and tone of the songs have a strong sense of purpose racing to the finish line.  Great combination of angelic singing surrounded by a mammoth sound.

8.) Spectrals “Extended Play”
A mutated Beach Boys experiment that embraces reverb and echo.  Feels like an endless playground spiral slide.

7.) Wet Dog “Frauhaus!”
Refreshing and fun! Songs filled with surprising turns and tiny explosions of joy. Distilled uninhibited happiness of a foot tapper.

6.) Thee Oh Sees “Warm Slime”
The opening track says it all.  13 minutes of loud garage rock filtered through a hazy summer day of drunken bliss. Their secret weapon is the back and forth boy/girl vocals.

5.) Weed Diamond “Carry On + Sweater Kids” Abstract and non-linear concepts happening on this release. No, I can’t define what that means exactly.  All I do know is that Weed Diamond has underdog charm in spades.

4.) Eternal Summers “Silver” Great example of a 2 member band being absolutely in sync with one other.  They strip away all unnecessary production which amplifies just how strong the songs are.

3.) Frankie Rose & the Outs “Frankie Rose & the Outs”Takes inspiration from Phil Spector’s “Wall of Sound” aesthetic to create a spooky modern soundtrack. Beautiful vocal harmonies.

2.) Beach Fossils “Beach Fossils” Surf guitars elevated and executed better and above the sometimes silly “surf” genre cliche. I’m powerless to resist the hypnotic guitars that dominate and flow so well on this album.

1.) Wild Nothing “Gemini” Total euphoric listening pleasure.  No matter what mood, energy level I’m experiencing or time of the day this record always is perfectly compatible.  The melodies in the songs come so effortlessly, yet they really demand your attention.

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